It's a shampoo world anyway
Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2004

21C3: Conference fun for ADD victims

The concept of lightning talks works astonishingly good. Not all of the short talks are equally good but because of their limited length it doesn’t matter. It also turns out that 5 minutes are enough to get a sufficient introduction to a project/topic.

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Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2004

Backdoor politics

This article talks mainly about a small but fundamental security flaw in Microsoft’s ASP.NET. But check out how the author uses this topic to express his concerns about the USA Patriot Act.

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Montag, 13. Dezember 2004

Nerds like us

I really like the new logo of the 21C3. It is much better than the macho/superhero-type hacker in the early versions (which is unfortunately still in use) - who are they kidding anyway?


When f. saw the image, she only asked "oh, did they take a picture of you at the camp"?

BTW. I still think "Bits of Mass Destruction" would have been a way better slogan for the congress...

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Free media 101

Sometimes I think, for Adam Curry the major difference between Podcasting and Broadcasting is the possibility to say "fuck" on the air.

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Mittwoch, 22. September 2004

Orkut, what is it good for?

After a couple of months of curiosity I was able to obtain an invitation to Orkut [1]. I played with the site a little bit and still don’t get it. What is Orkut good for? Besides finding dates obviously.

The thing that ticks me off the most, are the lousy search capabilities. This is a project by Google, remember? I can’t even limit my searches to a specific community. Finding someone in a community with more than 1000 members is impossible.

And what is the point of the communities? To every topic a community is dedicated to exist already at least on comprehensive webpage, web-forum, wiki, mailinglist, etc.... Why would I want to participate in a webforum that is not accessible to everybody who is interested in the specific topic? Maybe there is more to communities, I should join one occasionally... But is there more to Orkut?


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Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2004

More Honey

Creating wireless honeypots:

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New Toy in Town

Watching other people's browsing is quite addictive. The easy to use global bookmark exchange [1] makes it possible. This should become increasingly interesting with the number of people using the service.


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Montag, 20. Oktober 2003

How to cirumvent personal firewalls

A paper (in german language) worth reading on this topic: Wie Personal Firewalls ausgetrickst werden können [1].


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Freitag, 18. Juli 2003

Google: A Hacker's Best Friend runs an interessting article [1] describing methods to use Google to gain access to files you shouldn't be allowed to see or have access to. A broader and more in depth look at the same topic provides the site [2].

[Update:] Slashdot [3] links to 2 additional articles about using Google (and the Google-cache) to retrieve confidential information.

[1] [via SecurityBlog] [2] [3]

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Know Your Enemy, Part II

Honeytokens: The Other Honeypot [1]. I allways liked honey.


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