Maddin, 19. Mai 2008 um 16:35:26 MESZ Travel ahead I am traveling this week. First I will attend the OWASP Europe conference in Ghent to give a talk with Moritz on our static-analysis-evaluation-project. Then on Friday I will fly from Bruessels to Berlin for ph-neutral. If one of the three readers of this blog is at one of these events, let me know so that we can hang out and talk web sec. ... Link Maddin, 8. März 2007 um 13:59:14 MEZ Heading towards ACM SAC'07 Tomorrow I'll leave Germany to attend the ACM SAC 2007 conference which takes place in Seoul/Korea this year. I will present our work on transparently countering code injection attacks via approximating data/code separation in String values. In the unlikely event that one of the readers of this blog happens to be in Seoul next week or even at the conference - drop me a line and I will buy you a beer. ... Link Maddin, 23. November 2006 um 12:16:51 MEZ Going to PacSec Wow, tomorrow I will head off to Tokio to talk at PacSec. I have to remember to send the inventors of http a "thank you"-postcard. If they wouldn't have made http stateless, nobody would pay me a flight to Japan. ... Link |
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