Maddin, 9. Februar 2005 um 11:00:54 MEZ Thursday 10.2. 13:00-14:00: Nerd Alert After only two weeks we are back on the air with another episode of our radio show Nerd Alert. The main topic of the show will be FreeBSD. Tune your radios to FSK 93,0 if you are in Hamburg or jump onto the stream if you are not. ... Link Maddin, 31. Januar 2005 um 10:48:05 MEZ Nerd Alert recording A recording of the latest Nerd Alert show is now available as mp3 (57 minutes, 83 MB). We talked mainly about the 21C3-Conference and the recent clash between the blogosphere and the "real" journalists. If you are visiting this site from the great abroad please note that the show is entirely in German. If you prefer Ogg Vorbis over mp3, please visit Norbert. ... Link Maddin, 13. November 2002 um 15:06:21 MEZ Nrrrrddd allrrrtttt 101 Gruende warum Mozilla besser als der IE ist: ... Link |
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