Freitag, 20. Juni 2003
Maddin, 20. Juni 2003 um 09:38:37 MESZ I drive, you drive, we all want to wardrive Kismet [1] is finally running on OsX using the Viha-Driver [2]. Up to this moment, I was quite content using Kismac [3] and/or iStumbler [4] with my iBook but I'm looking forward to trying out Kismet. [Update:] Two things:
(a) I didn't succeed in compiling Kismet on my machine from the source. I didn't try very hard though.
(b) I forgot to mention the nice tool MacStumbler [5], which I used for my first wardriving experiments. For some reasons unknown to me, I thought iStumbler an MacStumbler were differnt versions of the same programm. This assumption seems to be wrong. [1]
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