It's a shampoo world anyway
Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2005

Sometimes your content stays longer than you would expect

Marc Jen is a newly hired Google employee. On his first day he started a weblog to keep a detailed account on his days at Google:

hi, my name is mark jen. i used to work for microsoft, and now i work for google. this is a blog of my personal experience as a new google employee. everything here, though, is his personal opinion and is not read or approved by google before it is posted.

Most of his entries were very critical with his new employer. He doesn’t describe Google as evil but he puts the shining image of the company in perspective. It is not surprising that he decided to erase his weblog content today.

But even though his page isn’t in the Google cache anymore (surprise, surprise), you still can find his texts on the net. E.g. Bloglines keeps an archived version of every RSS feed they proceed. When you subscribe to his feed in Bloglines, you are able to read his ten last entries, which cover all his Google stories.

This is obviously only one example. There are more places on the web that automatically keep copies of your content. The lesson learned here is: Think twice before you post something. When it is out, it is out and you probably won’t be able to get rid of it.

Update: His blog is back online with a couple of paragraphs missing in his previous posts.

[Google Bogoscoped]

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