It's a shampoo world anyway
Donnerstag, 28. April 2005 bookmarklet

A while ago I started to use to check out new podcasts. Gigaldial is a service that allows its users to create stations. These stations are basically podcast feeds consisting of single shows that are added manually. Whenever I find a podcast, which seems to be interesting enough to listen to at least once, I add the most recent show to my gigadial station. My podcatch client is subscribed to my station's feed and eventually downloads all those accumulated shows. So far, so good.

Unfortunately Gigadial provides no convenient way for adding shows. To add something to your station you have to browse trough their podcast directory, select a feed and select a show from that feed. But what I wanted is a way to add shows while I was visiting the podcast's homepage/blog.

Long story short I hacked a dirty little bookmarklet to satisfy my needs: add to Gigadial. To use it, you have to exchange STATIONID with the ID of your station.

Note though the code is far from perfect. It just adds the last mp3 that is linked to on the webpage which is displayed by your web browser. To add a certain show, you should go to the show's specific subpage of the podcast's blog (usually reachable via its permalink on the blog's frontpage). If you read your blogs with an rss-reader, this shouldnt be an issue anyway.

Oh, also the RSS autodiscovery barely works. This isn't grave because the discovery of the RSS-feeds is only frosting on the cake and not needed for the actual purpose of the bookmarklet. But feel free to fix it if you want to ;)

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April 2005
the shampoo world is
the personal weblog of Martin Johns.

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