It's a shampoo world anyway
Freitag, 4. Februar 2005

Stay home, read 18 papers

At Maximilan Dornseif’s blog you can find a comprehensive (though obviously subjective) list of books and papers, which are considered by him and his colleagues to be the "Top 18 Papers in Information Security". It is a great collection with lots of food for thoughts. And it is fun to see "Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit" in the same context as Shannon’s "A Mathematical Theory of Communication".

... Link

Nerdy knowledge and geeky giggles

IBM developerworks recently published an introduction to shared libraries on Linux. The article describes the basic functionality, explains the naming conventions and provides an insight about the way a dynamic linker works. A recommended read if you are interested in the bowels of you digital friend.

The author’s profile is great as well:

Peter Seebach has been sharing libraries ever since kindergarten, and continues to believe that the idea is basically sound, although the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) doesn't agree with him.

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Februar 2005
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